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God of the Unexpected

person with their hands on the steering wheel of a car

I knew he was my Uber driver.
I didn’t know he was also pastor.

The morning light had barely begun to break when Jonah drove me to the airport. We had a 35-minute drive and, never knowing whether a driver will chat the entire time or maintain a polite Uber silence, I opened the conversation and waited to see how Jonah would respond.

Turns out, God had arranged this drive.
After a few pleasantries, Jonah told me he spent half his time pastoring a Korean-American congregation.

When I asked him how things were going at his church, Jonah sighed.
“I’m feeling very discouraged. When I give a sermon, there’s always someone with a negative comment. If I buy new clothing, someone will ask me why I am misusing church funds. People expect me to be available for them whenever and however they feel like they need me. Sometimes it’s really hard.”
“I’m so sorry, Jonah. And I really understand,” I replied.

That morning I had an opportunity to encourage Jonah, to build him up in the Lord while we drove to the airport. I also had a chance to explain to him about Standing Stone.
“We have a team of former ministry leaders who equip pastors, missionaries, and people who work for Christian non-profits. All of our shepherds are supported by a team of donors who enable them to care for ministry leaders without charge. Their mission is to promote Christlike health and wholeness in people like you, Jonah.”

He paused, pondering.
“Would you like me to AirDrop you a link to our ministry website?” I asked. “You could get in touch with one of our shepherds if you’d like someone to walk with you through the challenges of ministry.”

“Yes, please,” he replied, pulling up to the United airlines ticketing curb. I sent the website and walked my bags into the airport.

I may never see Jonah again, but God used that early-morning drive in unexpected ways. I’m glad God continues to surprise me, and I pray he surprises Jonah with refreshment and equipping through Standing Stone.

Weekly Encouragement

I love sharing the mission and vision of Standing Stone, whether I’m with a pastor, donor, or potential shepherd. I believe so completely in what God has called our ministry to do that it’s easy to invite people into the adventure of partnering with us. It exhilarates me and strengthens my commitment to follow God wherever He calls me.
When I consider this–how easy it is for me to share the good news about Standing Stone– it makes me think about the eternal Good News that God asks me to be ready to share, wherever I am, whatever I’m doing. The apostle Peter communicated this clearly:

“But in your hearts revere Christ as Lord. Always be prepared to give an answer to everyone who asks you to give the reason for the hope that you have. But do this with gentleness and respect…”
I Peter 3:15, NIV

God doesn’t command us to evangelize because He needs me. He’s GOD, after all. He can reveal Himself without any help from me. But that’s not what he does, at least not usually. Instead, He chooses to invite me–and you–into the adventure . He urges us to share the Good News because His truth changes lives. A person hearing about Jesus’ life, love, death, and resurrection is invited to a journey of transformation, but that person’s response isn’t the end of the story. I am changed by each unexpected conversation, too.
What about you?

God urges us to be prepared to give an answer to anyone who asks about the hope within us. Do you feel prepared? Do you want to be prepared?

I hope you’ll take a moment to pause and consider this. Perhaps you sense God calling you to do or change something. Let’s say yes to his invitations together.

And, while you’re sharing the Good News, maybe God will bring someone like Jonah across your path, someone who needs an encouraging word and the good news that help for ministry leaders is available from Standing Stone. We’d be honored if you’d share about our ministry when the opportunity arises.


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