Like Coming Up for Fresh Air

Today’s story comes from a husband-wife team of Standing Stone shepherds who minister in Europe.  God is doing great things around the globe!

**Names and minor details have been changed to ensure complete confidentiality

My husband met Robert** at a leadership luncheon.  He was serving at the church hosting the event, and my husband felt led to approach Robert and invite him to coffee.  After their very first meeting, Robert told my husband, “I think we will be friends for life.”

After a few visits, my husband asked Robert if his wife, Elizabeth**, would like to meet with me.  It’s been an absolute joy for me to shepherd this precious pastor’s wife for nearly two years.  We meet up in person when possible and use WhatsApp in the times between.  I have seen Elizabeth walk into freedom developing greater confidence in her identity and calling as well as letting go off her past and moving forward with God.

After Elizabeth and her husband moved farther away from us, I apologized for not being able to travel to see her more often.  Her response floored me.  “We could not have come this far without you guys.  Being with you and your husband is like coming up for fresh air.”

It’s such a tremendous blessing and privilege to journey together with wonderful ministry couples like Robert and Elizabeth.  When Robert decided to receive additional training as a military chaplain, my husband and I had the opportunity to spend about 3 hours with Elizabeth and her two young children.  She asked if my husband and I were on our way to another ministry appointment in her area, and we said, “No.”

“You mean you travelled all the way here just to see me?”  Elizabeth gasped.

“Yes, we did, because you are worth it,” I replied.

Reaching over to squeeze my shoulder, she asked if we would pray over her before we left.  Of course, we did!  As is Elizabeth’s habit, she prayed over us in return. When we shepherd a ministry couple like Robert and Elizabeth, we end up feeling tremendously blessed too. It’s just like coming up for fresh air.

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