Standing Stone offers support in two primary ways:

Standing Stone shepherds are men and women who have been involved in pastoral ministry for years. They are a diverse group of servants who have a desire to care for individuals and couples who have dedicated their lives in service to churches, ministry organizations, and missionary work in the United States and around the world.
Standing Stone Ministry has raised up a team of Shepherds who know the challenges, difficulties, frustrations, and discouragement pastors and other ministry leaders often encounter as they care for the people in their churches and communities.
Each of our shepherds gather a team of people to partner with them in this critical ministry. These partners make up a Standing Stone shepherd’s financial ministry support team. This allows each shepherd to devote their time to caring for pastors and ministry leaders without needing to charge a fee. Asking nothing from those they serve allows our shepherds to build caring and trusted relationships with pastors and other ministry leaders, keeping them healthy and strong.