Jess Acuna

Jess grew up in PA, met and married her best friend Chase in 2013 after Bible College in Southern Ca where they linked arms to serve Jesus together in pastoral ministry. Through 2 decades serving in ministry and their own seasons of loneliness, burnout, and learning healthy boundaries, they watched the Lord prepare and train them to live out of a healthy outflow in soul care and whole body health. Jess has received training in coaching/mentoring and spiritual direction, and Chase in coaching/mentoring, personal training and counseling.

Jess passionately loves Jesus and the person right in front of her. To walk with others during the various up and down seasons and to welcome the Holy Spirit to show up, is one of the sweetest treasures and greatest joys. As she has experienced and walked through her own healing journey, she recognizes that all of us living in a broken world are in need of God’s healing and the wholeness He offers. Sadly, so many walk in the pain of brokenness feel unknown by others, shame, guilt or alone. Jess truly believes that through authentic and safe relationships there is opportunity to experience the beautiful healing power of Jesus.

Chase and Jess have 2 amazing lively boys, Zion and Courage, and recently re-located to Chattanooga TN. Jess is a lifelong learner, who loves drinking good coffee, reading, hiking, paddle boarding, camping, and being silly with her family.


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