Craig Hill

Craig has been involved in ministry for 25 years, which has included serving children, youth, young adults, young marrieds, as well as young families. Craig knows well the challenges of working within the Church, with volunteers, and under elder leadership, but also knows that God's chosen instrument to impact this world is the Church.
Craig wants to see pastors thrive in their ministries Craig brings a unique mix of passions and competencies to the Standing Stone team. Having earned a Ph.D in Theology, He has taught undergrads and seminarians for over a decade, and desires to see healthy and trained graduates launched and supported in their ministry lives.

Craig has also served in Christian Camping and understands that there are unique challenges for those ministry professionals. Craig has also served in various pastoral roles, and is a seasoned communicator of God's word.

Craig and his wife Kelly have been married for 18 years (a marriage that has survived years of ministry, seminary education, and the writing of a dissertation). They enjoy the personalities of their four kids and often find themselves working together to care for pastoral husbands and wives.


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