Natalie Grim

Natalie grew up in a Catholic family and was raised by a single mom. She didn't have a personal relationship with Christ until her best friend invited her to go to church camp with her. At the age of 16, Natalie gave her life to the Lord.

Natalie met her husband, Nick, in high school youth group and they began dating in college. They were married in 2007. They have three children: Annabelle (11), Judah (8) and Gideon (5). Being parents to these little ones is one of the greatest joys of their lives.

Natalie has served in ministry alongside her husband for 15+ years. Most recently she and her husband planted a church in Independence, KS. Church planting has stretched Nick and Natalie in many ways and has truly strengthened their relationships with the Lord and taught them to place their trust in Him above all else.

Natalie loves meeting with women in small groups and one-on-one to help them draw closer to the Lord. She is a teacher at heart and loves to share what she has learned from her own experience in ministry to encourage others as they walk through the highs and lows that ministry can bring.


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