Ken Eichler

Ken has served in pastoral ministry for 45 years and has planted three churches over that period of time. He has served in multiple ministry positions including lead and executive pastor. His wealth of pastoral experience and relational connections with ministry leaders across the United States has prepared and equipped him to successfully direct the ministry efforts of Standing Stone.
Ken's passion in ministry is building up the emotional and relational health of ministry leaders and the churches they serve. He has been helping pastors strategically build bridges to connect their churches to their communities by emphasizing the value of ministering to married couples struggling in their relationships.

Before joining Standing Stone's team, Ken, and his wife Leslie, served as directors of Marriage Growers International. As marriage educators and counselors, they have helped thousands of couples around the country and different parts of the world experience the joy and benefit of walking in unity and true partnership in their relationships.

Ken has been happily married to Leslie for 40 years and loves working with her in this ministry.


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