Linda Meighan

Linda was blessed to grow up in a loving Christian home. At the young age of 6, she came to know Jesus Christ as her Savior and was soon baptized.
Having grown up high school sweethearts in Gilbert, Arizona; Linda and her husband Darwin are now celebrating 40 years of marriage.  They are the parents of 2 adult children Matt and Melissa. They have been blessed with a daughter- in- law Jill, a son -in -law Will, along with seven grandchildren:  Kristen, Caleb, Carson, Sam, Abbie, Lilly and Caroline.

Linda has been a pastor’s wife for over 36 years, serving the local church alongside her husband, Darwin. She has lived both the joy and the heartbreak of ministry. One of her favorite passages of scripture is found in Lamentations 3:21-23  Yet this I call to mind and therefore I have hope: Because of the Lord’s great love we are not consumed, for His compassions never fall. They are new every morning; great is your faithfulness!

Since 2012, Linda has been seeking the Lord and following His call to mentor and encourage pastor’s wives. In addition to working one on one, Linda has led workshops, seminars, while also organizing pastor and wives appreciation events and facilitating ministry wives round tables. It is her heart’s desire to walk together with pastor’s wives in the amazing hope of the Lord’s love and faithfulness – providing them a safe and trusted friend.

Linda enjoys cooking, baking, sewing, crafting and hiking. She also loves hosting family and friends in her home. But her favorite things involve spending time with her 7 grandkids.


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