Cathy McIlvoy

Cathy has served in ministry in a variety of roles over the past 30+ years. As a pastor’s wife, missionary, women’s ministry leader and more she learned this for sure: God is the one who equips and is faithful to provide encouragement and endurance! Often He provides these things, in part, through other people.
Passionate about coming alongside women (wives, singles, moms) in order to spend time listening, praying, and passing on whatever insight the Lord bestows, Cathy holds firm to the belief that we are NOT meant to do life in isolation! As one who has raised four sons, Cathy knows firsthand what it’s like to parent children (biological and adopted) while in the throws of ministry, both stateside and overseas. During nearly 35 years of married life, she has experienced the challenges and ramifications of living with a spouse who has dealt with many seasons of anxiety and depression. She’s also navigated with the Lord and with those He has brought her way, a plethora of hard realities that have popped up in life within marriage and parenthood. There is hope, friend.

As she gets ready to move for the 15th time (seriously), Cathy is grateful that she enjoys decorating and setting up house! She also loves exploring new areas, going on power walks, being with family, and reading really good books. She has the privilege of being a ghostwriter of memoirs as well as writing devotionals, curriculum and articles for publication.


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