Danny Woods

From the very beginning of his faith journey, Danny has felt a call to minister to individuals through the comfort, authority and encouragement of the Scriptures. Raised in a Catholic home in San Diego, California, Danny then had “an emotional conversion” at 18, living an emotion-based spirituality for the next seven years. At 25, through difficult life circumstances, he walked into a small Baptist church, where he heard the Gospel, and the Lord’s grace opened his eyes to the truth of salvation by grace through faith.

Eight months later, at the encouragement of his spiritual father-a true disciple-making shepherd, he was attending classes at The Master’s College, where he completed his undergrad in Biblical Counseling (‘95). Married in ’97, he and his wife Vicki have been blessed with five children, a daughter-in-law, one “foster” daughter, and three grandchildren. They currently reside just outside of Nashville.

Throughout their life together they have devoted themselves to local church ministry, where Danny has served as deacon, elder, worship leader, special needs advocate, and adult Sunday School teacher. Danny was called to vocational ministry as a Family and Children’s pastor, and for five years developed that ministry, and provided pastoral counseling. However, the Lord used that time to reveal a deep struggle with fear of man in Danny’s heart, that led to stepping down from his position. But it also led to receiving counseling that literally changed his life.

Returning to his career in Operations Management, Danny used his healing experience of discovering the depth of the love and grace of our Heavenly Father, to have a lay ministry of counseling to individuals, couples, pastors, and missionaries. He and Vicki have hosted several weekend intensives, particularly to missionaries, walking with those couples through the pain and loneliness of ministry, back to a place of hope and eagerness.

That journey has led Danny to Standing Stone Ministry, to serve and support those who are on the front lines of ministry, including their spouses and families.

Through Standing Stone, “I have the privilege of joining those suffering under the burdens that so often come with the territory, and offer compassion, truth, and care as we rediscover the beauty and joy of serving and building God’s Kingdom.”


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