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I Scarce Can Take It In

graphic that says, " and when I think that God His Son not sparing Sent Him to die I scarce can take it in


Many of us grew up singing Stuart Hine’s classic hymn, “How Great Thou Art.” The first and second verses of this soaring anthem of praise proclaim God’s grandeur in nature–the rolling thunder, the lofty mountain, the gentle breeze.

But verse three changes everything.
Or, to clarify matters, the truth that verse three declares changes everything:

“And when I think that God, his Son not spar­ing,
Sent him to die, I scarce can take it in,
That on the cross, my bur­den gladl­y bear­ing,
He bled and died to take away my sin.”

This weekend, as we remember Jesus’ death and resurrection, may we also recall–in awesome wonder–that He bore the burden of our sin gladly. He died for love’s sake, for our sake. I scarce can take it in.

Thank You, Jesus. Thank You for all eternity.

Weekly Encouragement

May I also invite you to pause and lift up a prayer for your pastor and all those who have long labored to plan and present Gospel services for your family and friends this weekend?

Easter is both a glorious and stressful time for ministry leaders. Those of us working at churches across the world want to glorify God as we share His truth. There are also a zillion details that go into a weekend of Easter services.

Please pray for ministry leaders to proclaim God’s truth in winsome and powerful ways, that many might believe in the name above all names. Would you also pray that ministry leaders would experience God’s peace and sustenance as they serve? And, that as they give all they have for Jesus this weekend, they might also experience the joy that He bled and died, the burden gladly bearing, to take away their sins.

Thank you for remembering ministry leaders in prayer this Easter weekend.


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