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Dedicated for His service

group of staff and shepherds outside at the Standing Stone National conference


With great joy, the Standing Stone Board of Directors and Senator Jim Brulte (ret., CA) performed an official-ribbon cutting ceremony at our new office in San Clemente, California last week.

Many long-time supporters of Standing Stone and some who heard of our ministry for the first time that evening joined us for a night of testimonies, prayer, celebration, and opportunities for generosity. Oh, yes, and the food was epic!

Pastor David Wood shared his story of victory through trial. Pastor David Wojnicki and his wife, Hannah, told the story of their Standing Stone retreat and shared why they have sent three other pastoral couples on their church staff on Standing Stone retreats as well. There were many laughs, a good number of tears, and all glory given to God.

Emeritus Board Member Bob Shank, founder of The Master’s Program and co-founder of The Barnabas Group, gave a stirring address emphasizing Standing Stone’s role in the Kingdom: our team of now 236 shepherds strengthens the Church by caring for ministry leaders.

We hope you enjoy the video recap of our Grand Opening, including highlights from president, Dr. Jeramy Clark’s vision-casting talk.

And please, come see us at our New National Support Headquarters:
2340 S. El Camino Real, Suite 3, San Clemente, CA 92673

Weekly Encouragement

O my God, may your eyes be open and your ears attentive to all the prayers made to you in this place.
2 Chronicles 6:40, NLT

With the words above, Solomon closed his prayer dedicating the temple in Jerusalem to God’s presence and service.
This portion of Solomon’s prayer resonated with our hearts as we dedicated our National Support Headquarters to God’s work and presence. He is the reason we care for ministry leaders and His presence is our strength.
We pray that His eyes may be open and His ears attentive to all the prayers offered at our Grand Opening and in our National Support HQ day after day. We’d love for you to join us in praying for the leaders of God’s church and for us as we care for them.
And if God is tapping you on the shoulder, encouraging you to partner with us as we do this work for His name’s sake, you can click the button below to give.


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