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Guard Rails and Emergency Rooms


You’re driving on a mountain road through driving rain. High winds push your car across the median more than once, and a questionably crazy driver behind you hovers far too close. Would you rather have guard rails at the top or an emergency room at the bottom of this mountain road?

If you’re anything like me, both would be ideal! I’d want the protection of the guard rails to prevent an accident and a hospital at the bottom in case disaster struck.

At Standing Stone, we establish both preventative and as-needed triage care for ministry leaders. Our highest goal is that every pastor, missionary, and parachurch worker avert crisis, hence the guard rails. We also recognize that we live in a fallen world. Sometimes things are done to us by others (the crazy driver in our windy-road analogy or a demanding congregant or board member in the ministry world). Sometimes we make foolish choices (sin or simple mistakes), and sometimes attack comes into a ministry leader’s life straight from God’s enemy (metaphorically, driving through a storm with high winds). When trouble hits, Standing Stone shepherds are there to provide crisis care.

What we really want to do is set up more guard rails in ministry leaders’ lives, though. Building a confidential, trusted relationship is how our shepherds do that.

One of our directors recently an example of this with me:

Since 2019, I have faithfully met with a pastor every month. Over these past 5 years there have only been a few times of discouragement, as most of our meetings have been times of iron sharpening iron. Then, this past week, he experienced a ministry challenge which brought him to his knees like nothing before. We prayed together, talked through the challenge, opened God’s Word, and sought insight for how to best move forward. Later that day he sent me the following,

“All I’ve experienced with you over these years culminated in my moment of need. It feels like I got some oxygen today.”

Steady and faithful are our Standing Stone Shepherds who quietly serve….most often unknown to the congregations of the pastors they serve. We set up the guard rails and we’re there in time of need. We guide ministry leaders into greater health and flourishing so they can stay the course at their churches, on their mission fields, and in their parachurch organizations, transforming the world for Jesus Christ. That’s the ministry you support, and–on behalf of the entire Standing Stone team–I want to thank you.

Weekly Encouragement

The Hebrew word nasar occurs sixty-three different times in the Old Testament . Depending on the translation you read, nasar may be rendered as “guard,” “keep” or “preserve.” It often connotes the idea of “guarding from danger” and is inextricably linked with the character of God. Yahweh alone is our keeper, our guard before, behind, and beside. He preserves us, come what may.

What a massively encouraging truth this is!

In seeking to set up guard rails in ministry leaders’ lives and equip them to navigate crises that do come, our Standing Stone shepherds mirror the character of the God we love and serve. We cannot be a guard or keeper for pastors, missionaries, or parachurch workers. That’s God’s job! We get to partner with God in His work, however, and that is a great joy for our team.

How has God created you to mirror His character in your home, work, or ministry? Perhaps today is a good day to start a dialogue with Him about that? I’m praying that we all trust in God, our Protector, today and actively participate in the glorious work of redemption He’s doing through the cosmos.


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