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Hope Knows No Borders


Standing Stone’s ministry in the United States continues to grow. We’ve added more than sixty team members this year and will onboard more passionate and seasoned shepherds after our November training.
While all of this is happening on US soil, SSM’s impact worldwide continues to expand as well. We’re thrilled that Anna Jones, one of our shepherds, and her husband, Dr. JJ Jones a pastor at Fellowship Bible Church, recently traveled to India to equip and encourage ministry leaders and spouses there. Amidst heavy persecution and circumstances that most of us would consider untenable, spiritual leaders in India fight the good fight for the sake of the Gospel.

Reflecting on his trip, Dr. Jones shared his thoughts on the challenges ministry leaders face and the powerful impact they have because of Jesus:

Ministry in India is difficult enough, and being married in ministry brings its own unique challenges. Gospel freedom can cause tension with cultural and familial norms, the caste system, and an overarching narrative of male importance and dominance. And yet, despite these dark nuances, lights shine, as we saw with the pastors and wives we led in our conference. They are breaking the chains of bondage that limit roles, family, and religious life. Their desire to understand and live the example of a truly biblical marriage will slowly, but surely, change their churches. Given time, this can change villages… and even culture in small pockets. The light shines in the darkness, and the darkness cannot extinguish it.

Amen to that!

In addition, as is often the case when God calls us to “go,” we discover that, in serving others, God teaches us a great deal as well. Here’s how Shepherd Anna Jones described her experience:

The Lord sustained and strengthened me in new ways on this trip. I was stretched in hard and even fearful ways, but God also allowed me the gift of being His vehicle to bring hope, affirm value, and spread His lovingkindness to beautiful people living in a country that can be spiritually dark, oppressive, and sad . To see, hear, and bear witness to His JOY in the pastors and wives during the conference has forever changed me. My prayer is that the Holy Spirit and His work will continue to move in India using these precious ministry couples who know, believe and trust in His redeeming and sustaining power.

We’re so proud of our team and the Kingdom work God is doing through them around the world. Thanks for being part of it with us!

Weekly Encouragement

Where I live, there’s a lot of talk about “our country.” An election’s coming up, so that’s understandable. In times like these, when I’m eager to see God intervene in national politics, I also don’t want to lose sight of a much bigger, more hopeful, and infinitely more glorious picture. Jesus came to redeem all people, to love the entire world. He is–at this very moment–loving every tribe and nation to Himself. I don’t want these well-known words ever to become dull in my heart:

For God so loved the world, that he gave his only Son, that whoever believes in him should not perish but have eternal life.
John 3:16

God loves the world and calls us to love the world, too. A major way our team of shepherds does this is by serving ministry leaders across the globe. Healthy leaders transform their communities for Jesus and the gospel is spread. What a privilege to help people know God through vibrant spiritual leaders. Whether in Iran or Ireland, from India to Iowa, ministry leaders connect with our shepherds every day to receive care. It’s how we follow in Jesus’ footsteps, loving the world and bringing hope in dark times and places.

If you follow Christ, you’ve been called to love the world, too. Perhaps you do that through going, sending, praying, or all of the above. A special thank you to those who support our work to love the world by caring for ministry leaders. And if you haven’t considered donating before, we invite you to pray about beginning a partnership with Standing Stone today.


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