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Until Disaster Has Passed

photo of a stormy shoreline with palm trees blowing over


As Hurricane Beryl barreled toward Yucatan, Mexico, we prayed.
Three churches and the home of a missionary couple we serve lay in Beryl’s projected path. In this small community, the number of believers had quadrupled in three years, and Hurricane Beryl wasn’t the only storm they faced.
God’s enemy pummeled the faith community in a series of merciless attacks. First, the local cartel put a contract on the life of a teaching pastor and missionary. Then came the elections in Mexico, with three different parties vying for power. It was a vicious, heated campaign, and church members split between the factions. Congregants lost their heads in fanatical support of their candidate, some even attempting to start a “machete massacre.” One church member packed his car full of rocks and blades, planning to instigate violence after Sunday’s service. The following week, a pickup pulled up in front of the church, eight bombs weighing down the bed of the truck. Flames of violent divisiveness have burned believers and damaged their witness in the community.
In the midst of all this, I received a heartbreaking message from one ministry leader there: “We’re really struggling. We are broken for the body of Christ as we shed tears last night.”
Then came the hurricane.
The faith community in Yucatan could have despaired, but they turned to prayer instead. In each of these storms, they asked for God’s help. He responded in miraculous ways.
Hurricane Beryl veered off course just enough to prevent disaster. The weather service couldn’t believe it, but believers in Yucatan knew to rejoice in the goodness and protection of God. The cartel “Boss” heard how pastors and missionaries were helping people in the village and cancelled the kill order. Mercy won the day. Though rocks were thrown at the church, God prevented a machete massacre. And police arrived just in time to defuse the bomb situation. Thank You, Jesus! There’s still a long way to go in conflict resolution between believers in Yucatan, but the ministry leaders we serve feel hopeful again.
Through our sessions, they’ve begun to laugh again. We’ve spoken with them about mitigating stress and finding rest after this onslaught. Facing these storms has been and will be a tough journey; we’re with them for the long haul.
When God connected us with these Kingdom leaders, they were thrilled to hear that another ministry couple cared enough to come alongside them. They were astounded that we were available and expected no financial compensation in return. What a joy it is to lovingly guide pastors and missionaries like this, on the front lines of the battle for good. Thanks for supporting us as we do so.

Weekly Encouragement

Psalm 57 begins with a beautiful prayer of petition:
“Be merciful to me, O God, be merciful to me,
for in you my soul takes refuge;
in the shadow of your wings I will take refuge,
till the storms of destruction pass by.”

Psalm 57:1, ESV

To every life, storms will come, and some with destructive force…
That diagnosis or unwanted job change.
The loss of a loved one or the loss of a dream.
Disaster…betrayal…political unrest.
A storm may rage in your life today.
Whatever storm you may face, there is one source of refuge and peace. In God alone can we find peace and mercy. In the shadow of his wings, we can rest, trusting His protection and provision. The storms of destruction will eventually pass by.
This may be God’s work in a moment or over a lifetime, but we endure only as we stay in the refuge of His presence. Spend time with Him, learning His heart through prayer and His truth through the Word. Ask Him to reveal His thoughts to you. Ask Him to align your feelings with His very own. And trust God the Holy Spirit to empower you to act when the time is right.
In writing this, we’re praying for all of you facing a storm today. Please pray for Team Standing Stone, that we can help ministry leaders take refuge in God through their storms, too.


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