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Well, are you?

man looking at a computer with a post it on the screen that says, "done"


His text contained only two words:

I’m done.

I read it again, though I didn’t really need to. His message was perfectly clear.

I’m not sure what I would have done if I grew up with a cell phone, but I’m a boomer and I did what most boomers would do–I called him. I was grateful that he picked up and agreed to meet with me, though he still assured me that he was done.

We sat across the table from one another a few days later, sipping on iced tea and waiting for our Monte Cristo sandwiches. I saw the tension and resignation on his face. I knew there had been conflict at his church, but I didn’t realize how close to quitting this pastor was until his two-word text hit my phone.

“The elders think I’m quarrelsome,” he blurted out.
I paused.
“Well, are you?”
He looked somewhat surprised at my question. Perhaps he expected me to be outraged on his behalf. Maybe you thought I’d defend him unreservedly. But supporting a pastor isn’t my only role as a shepherd. Sometimes I have to ask the tough questions that I pray, through the Spirit’s power, will lead to growth.
He eyed me carefully.
“Okay, well what are we going to do about it?” I responded.
That began the most honest and important conversation this pastor and I ever had. And his growth has been tremendous as a result of that one, honest answer to a tough question.
God wasn’t done with this pastor, and his work for God wasn’t done either. I simply got to be part of God working to keep this pastor growing and in ministry.
I’m so grateful God’s never done with us. Aren’t you?

Weekly Encouragement

I wonder what the Apostle Paul was thinking when he wrote Philippians 1:6. We know he was imprisoned, almost certainly chained between two Roman guards. He was awaiting a trial, and he may have known it would lead to his execution.
Paul could easily have felt, if not said,
“I’m done.”
But that’s not what he wrote.
Instead, under the inspiration of God the Holy Spirit, Paul penned words that have impacted Christ followers for centuries:
He who began a good work in you will bring it to completion at the day of Jesus Christ”
Philippians 1:6

God’s never done with us. The good work He started in us…He will complete it. I don’t know about you, but that’s tremendously reassuring to me.
God will continue molding and shaping us to be more like Jesus. Whether we’re quarrelsome or prideful or addicted or anxious, God’s not done working. He works in us both for our own sanctification and for the good and growth of His body. No matter where you find yourself today, no matter where you’ve been in your past, no matter what tomorrow holds, He will complete His good work in you. He will use us to bless and help others. We need only say yes.
Have your way in each of us today, Lord God.


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