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Who Sets the Pace?


Webster’s dictionary defines the English idiom, “pace yourself” in this way:
“to do something at a speed that is steady and that allows one to continue without becoming too tired.”
Pacing yourself is essential if you’re going to thrive in ministry. Indeed, pacing yourself is crucial if you’re going to thrive in life.
One of our shepherds recently shared that he’s grateful Standing Stone allows him to work with pastors and ministry leaders at their own pace. Wholeness isn’t a one-size-fits-all proposition and rarely happens according to precise timetables. Our team doesn’t operate with a set number of meetings or require ministry leaders to hit targets or milestones on an arbitrary schedule; that’s huge for our shepherds and those we care for alike. They can pace themselves–working toward wholeness steadily, without wearing thin or crashing down.
This hit home for our shepherd in a new way while meeting with a pastor he’s known for quite some time. This man had made some mistakes. He’d also done some things that didn’t please God. Grieved and repentant, he had stepped out of ministry for a time to work on his marriage and His personal relationship with Jesus.
As the Lord redeemed and renewed him, this pastor accepted a call to return to ministry. He began his new role with joyful anticipation, and things were going great. Then the health issues hit…multiple, debilitating diagnoses, right on top of one another.
The pastor wondered if these might be consequences for his mistakes. He worried that he was being punished for his sins. He had no idea if he had moments or years left on earth.
Meeting with a Standing Stone shepherd helped him process these multi-faceted concerns, but these aren’t the kinds of issues one can walk through quickly. Navigating a season like this with a ministry leader is complex. It’s also a privilege for our shepherds. That’s why being able to set a unique pace for each pastor, missionary, or parachurch worker we serve is such a tremendous gift.
We couldn’t do that without the thousands of individuals who support our Standing Stone shepherds financially. Because every shepherd has a team of generous partners who believe in ministry leaders and understand the spiritual-warfare target on their backs, pastors and ministry leaders don’t have to keep pace with anyone but God the Holy Spirit. He sets the pace for healing and we walk in step with Him.
Thanks for partnering with us as we do.

Weekly Encouragement

In Galatians 5, just after describing the fruit of God’s Spirit–love, joy, peace, patience, kindness, goodness, faithfulness, gentleness, and self-control, Paul encourages believers:
“Since we live by the Spirit, let us keep in step with the Spirit.”
Galatians 5:25, NIV

If you’re sealed by God’s Holy Spirit, Paul indicates, you will keep pace with what He wants. Indeed, God intends for us follow the Spirit’s leading in every part of our lives. A Christian doesn’t set his or her own pace. Keeping in step with the Spirit means not lagging behind nor running ahead.

This verse is important for our ministry for a number of reasons. First and most significantly because it’s God’s Word to us. He wants to set the pace in our lives and in our Kingdom work, so that’s our desire, too. Galatians 5:25 also speaks to an essential dynamic of Standing Stone’s approach to shepherding. We ask God to set the pace with each ministry leader we serve. Staying in step with Him is our earnest desire and our ministry commitment. We don’t want to fall out of step with God, rushing ahead of Him because we think we know what’s best for a pastor, missionary, or parachurch worker. We aim to be in sync with the work God’s already doing in a ministry leader’s life. We join Him in that work and continually point leaders back to God.

What about you? Do you long to be in step with God the Holy Spirit? Is your life currently arranged in such a way that living with God, at His pace, is not only possible, but habitual? If God is placing a finger on an area of your life that is presently out of sync with Him, why not lean in and ask Him how you can re-align with His pace.

As you are asking God about this, we are praying for you and for our ministry to stay in step with Holy Spirit. We look forward to all He will do in you and us as we keep pace with Him!


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