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“Help for Pastors’ Wives”

One day I received a voicemail from our national office. Unsure where to turn, experiencing a crisis she couldn’t navigate on her own, the woman who called had Googled “Help for pastors’ wives.” Up popped the link to Standing Stone, and she courageously reached out.

I called her that day and we talked for more than an hour.  She poured out her heart and pain. Nothing she said surprised or shocked me, though it certainly grieved my heart. Unfortunately, I’ve heard too many similar stories. She talked. She cried. I listened, then I prayed over her. Over the next several weeks, we exchanged numerous texts and phone calls. As God resolved her immediate crisis, this precious woman stayed connected to me, sharing other aspects of her life and ministry.

She began to see me as a trusted friend that would keep her confidences. Within the last month her son, also in full-time ministry, has been dealing with a crisis of his own. I have been able to encourage and pray for her as she walks alongside her son. Through it all, we have seen God’s faithfulness together.

This precious woman has grown in her faith; her marriage is strengthened, as is her bond with her son. I didn’t do anything special. I have no power to change people or circumstances; God the Holy Spirit does that. And He’s given me the power of a listening ear, a heart that cares, and His words of wisdom that can bring fresh perspective and clarity in the midst of doubt and confusion.

Here’s the ministry of Standing Stone shepherds in a nutshell: We are present. We care. We listen. We encourage. We relate and we empathize because we’ve lived the ministry life. Our care is immediate—we pick up the phone and make those calls. It is practical—we have years of (often hard-won) experience. We get how tough ministry can be. We don’t judge. We don’t minimize. We are there in times of need we take as long as is needed. No rush.

That’s why I love Standing Stone Ministry so much. That’s why I’m so passionate about pouring everything in me into this critical ministry.

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