person watching the sun rise with their hands in the air

Last week, many of us celebrated freedom. We may have raised our glasses, BBQed, attended a parade, or set some things on fire (hopefully said things were fireworks and nothing else).

Few of us really contemplated what freedom costs.
In the midst of parties and celebrations, we sometimes forget that freedom costs. It always has and always will. As the saying goes, freedom is never free.

At Standing Stone Ministry, we’re after a deeper, truer freedom than political parties or democratic governments can offer. We’re chasing a freedom higher and more hopeful than that secured through medicine or money. We’re after–and we’re helping ministry leaders to find–freedom in Christ.

Like every other form of freedom, this costs something.
It costs our shepherds time, energy, wisdom, and attention. It costs ministry leaders surrender, honesty, hope, and diligence. It costs our donors resources, focused prayer, and discernment.

And because…together…we all bear these costs, we get to offer Standing Stone’s services for free. This sets us apart from most other leader-care organizations, and it means that we get to partner with you to see God’s work done in the leaders of His Kingdom.
Recently, one of our shepherds connected with an Executive Pastor in Florida. Here’s how he described their call:
“We had a really great conversation, and five minutes after the call ended he sent a text asking if he could share my contact information with another staff member at his church. I said yes, and five minutes later, that pastor reached out. We set up a time to talk, and that conversation was also really great. He kept thanking me and at one point said, ‘the fact that you do this for free is low-key crazy, but I definitely appreciate it.’”

Seen from one point of view, it is crazy to give away valuable services. Our shepherds, many of whom could charge high fees for their services based on their education, experience, and expertise, choose instead to raise their own funds so that they can offer what God’s taught them to ministry leaders for free.

What we give away, God uses to set others free, and we couldn’t be happier.
Our shepherd concluded his story with this reflection:
“Today I’m encouraged! Both of them want to continue to journey together, and once again I find myself saying how much I love what I do.”

Weekly Encouragement

Standing Stone President, Dr. Jeramy Clark, is fond of saying, “When you’re over the enemy’s target, you’re going to take fire.”
God’s enemy targets ministry leaders because he knows…

“Strike the shepherd, and the sheep will be scattered.”
Zechariah 13:7, ESV

In the spiritual realm, the battle for freedom is fierce. It doesn’t take more than a quick perusal of the news to identify that ministry leaders are targeted. When they fall or burn out, their followers scatter, disillusioned and angry. That’s why we work with ministry leaders to pursue wholeness in every area of their lives.
The enemy also targets Standing Stone shepherds who are doing the essential work of leader care. One of the ways he does this is by accusing shepherds. He can make them feel “less than” or unworthy. We sometimes call this “the imposter syndrome.”
How can you possibly help lead God’s leaders?, the enemy may whisper.
The shepherd who shared today’s story told us:

“I guess the reason this is a significant story for me is because I definitely struggle with imposter syndrome and sometimes wonder about my own effectiveness in this role. I don’t know if other shepherds talk or share about that struggle, but it’s a daily battle for me.”

Today we’re asking that you pray for our shepherds. Please pray that the enemy’s attacks against them would be turned aside. Please pray that, as they offer their services for free, we would honor the cost of that freedom. And, above all, please pray that ministry leaders –in our churches, on mission fields, in Christian organizations and here at Standing Stone ministry–would walk in the freedom Jesus died to give us.

The enemy can never strike our Good Shepherd. As we follow Him, we’ll never be scattered.
And that, my friend, is very Good News.


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