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Who Cares for the Children’s Ministry Workers at Your Church?

As every parent knows, a thriving children’s ministry is an essential part of any church.  Today’s story comes from one of our female shepherds, who walks alongside Julie** as she serves as the Director of Children’s Ministry at a growing church plant.

“The Western US Director for Standing Stone referred Julie to me, and I’m thoroughly enjoyed processing life and ministry with her.  I recently met Julie for lunch, and we talked about her marriage, her spiritual life, interpersonal relationships at the church, troubleshooting, and effective ministry strategies.

Julie was hired by a growing church plant to take on a newly created position as the Children’s Ministry Director.  She is also a newlywed (not yet married a year).  Julie has had a lot of significant events take place in her life over a short period of time.  You can imagine why she might feel overwhelmed now and then.

Over our times together, we’ve discussed everything from how to build good relationships with her fellow church staff members and how to have sound ministry practices to how to build a good marriage relationship and nurture her own spiritual growth.  All of this will help Julie avoid burnout.  These early years in Julie’s ministry are the best time for her to establish healthy life and ministry habits so that she has the wisdom, strength, and endurance to be effective and to handle adversity.

A few days later, Julie sent me this text: ‘I’m so thankful for you! I’ve been mulling over your words and ideas, and it has been so helpful! Thank you for sharpening me in Christ!’

I praise God for anything and everything He’s done through my conversations with Julie!  I’m so thankful I get to do what I do as a shepherd with Standing Stone. It’s such a joy to see how God is using the experiences I’ve had as a pastor’s wife and ministry leader – both the good and the bad – to help strengthen and encourage others in their ministry roles.

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