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God’s Heart for Japan

Today’s story comes from one of our shepherds who has been invited to come alongside ministry leaders in Asia.

“I’ve been meeting with a missionary who serves in Japan.  He shared with me how he’s recently shifted focus to support other missionaries and Christian workers there.  In the past, he put on conferences to encourage ministry leaders, and he’s feeling led by God to plan an event for next year.  He’d like for me to join him and use the resource I write, Be Free, to help ministry leaders live the life God has always intended for them.  If ministry leaders are healthy, they can pass on that health to everyone they serve.

Our world inundates everyone—including ministry leaders—with the idea that our value and identity come from our performance and what others think about us. But this is not the way that God designed us to live! He wants us to be free from these shackles. God is the only one who determines our worth.

My ministry includes helping find practical ways for people to throw off every weight they carry, to learn where their worth and value really come from.  I love doing this as a Standing Stone shepherd wherever I am—in the US, Japan, or anywhere else God might take me.

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