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Hope Does Not Disappoint

Some of our Standing Stone shepherds have taught at seminaries around the US.  Today’s story comes from a team members who has also served as a professor, training future pastors and other ministry leaders.

A former seminary student of mine recently planted a church in the Midwest.  I’ve been shepherding this young man for three or four years, and it’s been wonderful to see him jump into ministry after completing his education.

Sadly, I’ve also watched as he and his wife struggled with infertility for years. There have been times the pain has tempted them to lose heart and doubt God’s goodness. I regularly reach out to them by phone, texts, and emails. I pray with and for them. I have shared my and my wife’s own story of multiple miscarriages and depression in the wake of loss. I always seek to remind this ministry couple of God’s love, care, and sovereignty.

Last month, my former student’s wife had surgery, and her doctor discovered endometriosis. Now that she is under treatment for this previously undiagnosed issue, this couple feels renewed hope for their future family.

I don’t yet know how this pastoral couple’s story will end, but I am so thankful to be part of their journey.  As they experience recovered hope in the love and goodness of God, I do too.  It’s a privilege to be a Standing Stone shepherd.

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