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Practicing Presence

Scrabble tiles that say "I AM WITH YOU"

At the deathbed of a child…

In the wake of a natural disaster…

After a moral failure that’s gutted the church…

Sometimes words fail. That’s when and why we practice the ministry of presence.

In situations that break hearts and defy logical explanation, ministry leaders need someone more than they need something. Some leaders need a shepherd to sit with them in silence. Others need a shepherd to listen to their confusion, rage, or fear. Almost everyone needs a shepherd who doesn’t try to “make it all better” with empty platitudes.

Standing Stone shepherds practice the ministry of presence in high times, too, not just hard times. We’re there when a pastor celebrates 10, 20, 30 or more years of faithfulness. We’re there when a missionary launches onto a new field. We’re there when FCA or Cru leaders welcome their first baby into the world.

We’re there. We’re present. And we love what we get to do.

It’s been said that two-thirds of ministry is showing up. We’re going to keep showing up for ministry leaders because that’s who we are. We are Standing Stone Ministry.

Thanks for helping us do this Kingdom work.


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