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You Never Know

A year and a half or so, my wife and I dropped off a few Standing Stone flyers at a church in an Indianapolis suburb.  We included some information about our role in helping ministry leaders thrive. We never heard anything and assumed the materials had been relegated to the “circular file.”   Then, about a month ago, I received a phone call from the pastor.  He asked to meet.

I wasn’t sure what to expect; this pastor was a complete stranger.  But God was working as only He can.  This pastor wasn’t in the middle of a crisis; he simply wanted to make sure he wouldn’t be.   He told me that he had put our materials away where he could find them when the time was right. I’m so thankful the Holy Spirit gave this pastor insight about life and himself to establish guardrails in his life now rather than pick up broken pieces later.

We’ve had several meetings now and he continues to seek wisdom about how to stay healthy.  He’s honest with me and before God.  He has struggles, like all of us, but has chosen to share those with me and to stay accountable.  We look together at the truth of God’s Word.  It’s a relationship that encourages us both.

We don’t always know what’s coming downstream.  Being prepared shows wisdom.  It’s a joy to partner with pastors and ministry leaders who want to prevent crisis and stay healthy. Thank you for joining us in whatever way God leads.

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